Mrs. Davis’ class examines owl pellets. Keeping the fun in learning at BMS! #BPRD # BMSTogether

Mrs. Difani’s fifth grade class participated in a hands-on lesson about the Stamp Act using Skittles. Taxation without representation. Fun lesson! #BPRD #BMSTogether

Fun dress up days ahead! #bprd #BMSTogether

Beebe Middle School leading the pledge at tonight’s ball game! They did a great job!#BPRD #BMSTogether

Students in Mrs. Rose’s class are practicing mean, median, and mode using a deck of cards. Fun review! Math is fun! #bprd #BMSTogether

Come be a part of our Veteran’s Day Celebration! #BPRD #BMSTogether

Students in Ms. McDonald’s class work use straws and tape to create a vessel to hold their egg for the egg drop expert. Scientific minds at work! I love how these kiddos work together to tackle a problem! #BPRD #BMSTogether

Remember tomorrow Is super hero day! #BPRD #BMSTogether

Neon Day! #BPRD #BMSTogether

Let do our part to keep kiddos safe!

Teachers at BMS meet each week in Professional Learning Communities. This week teachers shared out strategies that are successful in their classroom. We learn from one another! #BPRD #BMSTogether

Mrs. Rose’s math class was popping today….popping bubble gum! Our teachers at BMS work hard to make learning fun. #BPRD #BMSTogether

Sometimes you just have to move math class outside! Mr. Belew’s class enjoyed some chalk talk! Who needs a chalk board? #BPRD #BMSTogether

When band cancelled due to no electricity at the Junior High, our band students took their extra recess to have an impromptu band practice! It was sweet music to our ears! #BPRD. #BMSTogether

Mrs. Davis’ students invented a procedure for separating a mixture of sand, salt, pennies, and paper clips. Students made flash cards and quizzed each other to study for their science test. #BPRD #BMSTogether

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on October 21st from 4 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Letters will be going home soon for you to sign up for an appointment time. We are looking forward to meeting with you! #BPRD #BMSTogether

We love our SROs at Beebe Middle School. Community is one of our values. Thank you, Officer Rigsby. #BPRD #BMSTogether

Mr. Belew’s science students are conducting a vocabulary word sort with their partners. Always learning at BMS! #BPRD #BMSTogether

Fictional Character Day! #BPRD #BMSTogether

Fictional Character Day! #BPRD #BMSTogether