Beebe Middle School has a comprehensive guidance program that is for all students.
Student Services provided:
Large Group Classroom Guidance Sessions 5-6
Some Topics Covered:
Career Information, Exploring Career Interests, Drug Education, Refusal Skills, Staying Bully Free, Study Skills, Test Preparation Information, Test Taking Tips, Suicide Prevention, Leadership Skills, Goal Setting, Interpersonal Skills (Getting along with others), Soft Skills for school and work, Testing Information (ACT, SAT, PSAT, ACCUPLACER, ASVAB), Preregistration for classes, Information about passing, failing, programs of study, self-concept/self-respect, Healthy relationships
Small Groups as needed
Study Skills, Career Groups, Anger Management, Personal issues as requested.
Individual Guidance
Personal/ Social/Emotional Issues, Crisis Counseling, Study skills, Goal setting, Career Choices/Academic Advisement (Class Choices), Schedule all students 5-6, New student orientation, Assist with registration, Test Interpretation
Consultations with parents about their student’s school issues
Consultations with teachers and other agencies as needed on behalf of students and parents
Help with 504 meetings/issues.
Help with ESL meetings/issues.
Help with student placement issues (Special Ed, Alternative Ed.)