Mrs. Woodard introduced the 6th grade student council candidates.

Speaker of the House Jeremy Gilliam spoke with the 6th grade student council President and Vice-President candidates.

"A good teacher is like a candle: it consumes itself to light the way for others."

5th grade math horizontal alignment with Dr. Linda Griffith

Join us tonight for open house! 4:00-7:00

5th and 6th grade scholars' homeroom assignments are posted on the front door of Beebe Middle School!

Open House is Thursday, August 11, from 4 p.m.-7 p.m.

Beebe Middle School Career Day is scheduled for May 6th. If you would like to present your career, please let us know!

6th Grade Graduation pictures are coming up on April 14!

Spring pictures are tomorrow.

Spring pictures are March 1!

Parents, please help us rate our school.

The Badger Food Pantry will be distributing food this Wednesday between 8:30 and 1:30.

December 4 @ 1 pm- our 5th & 6th grade spelling bees will be held in the cafeteria. Good luck to these participants! 5th grade will go first

Talent show tryouts for the middle school will be Thursday,December 3rd during 6th, 7th, 8th periods. Students should bring props, C D, gymnastic mats, etc. for their act. Permission slip is required.

Yearbooks are $35 from now until Feb. 19. Order forms are on the website and in the library.

Our November clubs meet tomorrow from 1:27 pm-3:00 pm. We will have concessions.

Badger Family Pantry open Wednesday the 18th 8:30am -1:00pm

Flu Vaccine Clinic on Wednesday, November 18. from 8 am until finished

Our Flu Vaccine Clinic is Wednesday, November 18. Students receiving the shot should wear sleeves that provide access to the shoulder.