Mrs. Woodard introduced the 6th grade student council candidates.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Speaker of the House Jeremy Gilliam spoke with the 6th grade student council President and Vice-President candidates.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Middle School
"A good teacher is like a candle: it consumes itself to light the way for others."
over 8 years ago, Beebe Middle School
5th grade math horizontal alignment with Dr. Linda Griffith
over 8 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Join us tonight for open house! 4:00-7:00
over 8 years ago, Beebe Middle School
5th and 6th grade scholars' homeroom assignments are posted on the front door of Beebe Middle School!
over 8 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Open House is Thursday, August 11, from 4 p.m.-7 p.m.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Beebe Middle School Career Day is scheduled for May 6th. If you would like to present your career, please let us know!
almost 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
6th Grade Graduation pictures are coming up on April 14!
almost 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Spring pictures are tomorrow.
about 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Spring pictures are March 1!
about 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Parents, please help us rate our school.
about 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
The Badger Food Pantry will be distributing food this Wednesday between 8:30 and 1:30.
about 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
December 4 @ 1 pm- our 5th & 6th grade spelling bees will be held in the cafeteria. Good luck to these participants! 5th grade will go first
over 9 years ago, Lisa Damron
Talent show tryouts for the middle school will be Thursday,December 3rd during 6th, 7th, 8th periods. Students should bring props, C D, gymnastic mats, etc. for their act. Permission slip is required.
over 9 years ago, Lisa Damron
Yearbooks are $35 from now until Feb. 19. Order forms are on the website and in the library.
over 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Our November clubs meet tomorrow from 1:27 pm-3:00 pm. We will have concessions.
over 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Badger Family Pantry open Wednesday the 18th 8:30am -1:00pm
over 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Flu Vaccine Clinic on Wednesday, November 18. from 8 am until finished
over 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Our Flu Vaccine Clinic is Wednesday, November 18. Students receiving the shot should wear sleeves that provide access to the shoulder.
over 9 years ago, Beebe Middle School