4-H meeting
November 15
After School
Students should be picked up at 4:15
BMS Celebrates Veterans Day!!
We appreciate our veterans more than words can express.
Cookie dough will not be delivered until Monday, November 6. Please make plans to pick up your products between 1:00 - 7:00 on Monday.
Next week is red ribbon week. Here are the dress up days for students at the middle school.
Monday - "Fight Against Drugs and Breast Cancer" Pink out day
Tuesday - "Pledge to be Drug Free" Wear red
Wednesday - "Stomp out Drugs" Wear boots or western clothes
Thursday - "Sock it to Drugs" Wear crazy or mismatched socks
Friday - "Team up Against Drugs" Wear your favorite sport team jersey
BMS - Homecoming Spirit Week
The scholars of BMS are preparing to pray. We hope to SEE YOU AT THE POLE on 9/27 @ 7:30 AM.
2017 Back to School Yearbook Sale. Offer ends September 29, 2017. http://5il.co/1yhm
The winners of the Badger Book Mobile Summer Reading Challenge: Abigail Clark, Madison Turner, Emma Dunn, Katelyn Manning, Lily Smith, and Krome Cox
Please join us for Beebe Middle School’s Parent Night!
What: Learn about digital citizenship, see student work, sign up for Home Access Center, talk with teachers, and grab some light refreshments.
When: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: Beebe Middle School
Who: YOU! (parents, guardians, and scholars)
Why: We want you here as part of our community!
No this isn't IHOP, it's 5th grade science! Is cooking pancakes a physical or chemical change?
Beebe Middle School 4-H meeting
Wednesday September 13
After school
Students should be picked up at 4:15
School Pictures - September 12
BMS Cookie Dough Fundraiser - 9/12-9/29
4-H meeting Wednesday the 13th after school.
"An effective leader gets behind his group and pushes them to success." -6th Grade Student
4-H Meeting Wednesday March 8 after school.
At the Beebe Middle School 4-H meeting on March 8, all officer candidates should be prepared to give a 1 minute candidate speech highlighting their qualifications for the office they are seeking.
#bbrocks #kindnessmatters
#bbrocks #kindnessmatters