Mr. Belew's class won the Beebe Middle School Red RIbbon Week canned fruit drive by collecting more than 100 cans of fruit for food pantries in our community!
about 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Beebe Middle School Canned Fruit Drive!
Red Ribbon Week and Halloween Carnival Fun at Beebe Middle School #BPRD #UnlockYourPotential
about 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Student Costume Contest Winners
Halloween Carnival Mummy Making
6th Grade Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest Winner
5th Grade Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest Winner
Mr. Belew's Moby Max Wall of Fame Members for Week One. A Team members have an "A" average for the week. Homework Heroes spent more than 30 minutes at home working independently on Moby Max Math.
about 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Week One Moby Max Wall of Fame
Mr. Belew at is "beary" proud of his class for being the top AR Class in 5th Grade! Way to go Mrs. Pasley, their reading teacher! #BPRD #UnlockYourPotential
about 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
AR Reading Bear belongs to Mr. Belew's Class!
Engaging learning is the best learning! Students in Mrs. Carter's class brought the Boston Tea Party to life. Students worked together to build tea crates. These crates had to keep a bag of tea dry after they dropped it into the water. The team that designed the crate that kept the tea dry the longest won a prize. Students loved having a hands on experience while learning about an event of the past!
about 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
The Boston Tea Party!
Beebe Middle School Marketplace #BPRD #UnlockYourPotential
about 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Beebe Middle School Marketplace
" Book Tasting" is just that: a sampling of books from a variety of genres to encourage students to read. The students also sampled some fall goodies as they perused books at their reading levels in Mrs. Vaden's room. #BPRD #UnlockYourPotential
about 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
"Chef" Vaden hosts book tasting!
"Chef" Vaden hosts book tasting!
Contact homeroom teachers to find out how you can help! #BPRD #UnlockYourPotential
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Fall Festival and Halloween Carnival
Ms. Davis's science classes went outside to identify items in the Earth's four spheres. Then, we discussed ways in which the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and the biosphere interact. #BPRD #UnlockYourPotential
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Working hard for Ms. Davis at BMS!
Working hard for Ms. Davis at BMS!
Mrs. Rector, the Beebe Middle School Counselor may be a little woman but she stands tall in the classroom!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Beebe Middle School Counselor Stands Tall!
Bledsoe’s Fluency Raceway The Reading Drag Strip is open in Bledsoe’s classroom. The Fluency Raceway has begun races biweekly. The majority of our reading speed demons have already increased their wpm (words per minute). We have already had some racers reach speeds greater than the required reading speed by the end of 5th grade - 155 words per minute! These readers are placed into the Reading Hall of Fame. Students practice daily through oral fluency, reading comprehension pieces, and their own silent independent reading to help them increase their reading speeds, so that they can move further down the drag strip and closer to the finish line. Bledsoe’s students were so excited today to place their racecar on the track and begin drag racing against their classmates.
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
5th Grade Racing Hall of Fame
5th Grade Racing Hall of Fame
5th grade Racing Hall of Fame
Contact BMS homeroom teachers for more details and to volunteer!!!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Beebe Middle School Fall Festival and Halloween Carnival
Building Engineers. . . Or Bridges The engineers in Mrs. Whitehead’s science class were hard at work building bridges. They used the engineering process to design, create and test their bridges. They analyzed their data to determine if the length of the bridge had anything to do with the amount of weight the bridge could hold. Our engineers had a great time and can't wait for their next project.
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Will it hold?????
In Mrs. Allgood's class, The 2018-19 school year started with a bang! Well, maybe a little bridge building instead of a bang. We discussed what engineers do and how their jobs are very important to our every day lives. Students were given a scenario for building a bridge and were given materials to build this bridge. Their bridge had to span a distance of 3 feet and they could only use the materials in their project box. They were given straws, craft sticks, yarn or string, and tape. There were some sturdy looking bridges built and there were some really scary looking bridges as well. Overall, the students learned the importance of working as a team and making sure everyone in the group had a voice. This was just the beginning of our build challenges, there will be more to come as the school year progresses.
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Show your school spirit at Beebe Middle School.
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Beebe Middle School Spirit Week
Homecoming morning is fast approaching. If you would like to join us for a pancake breakfast, please email Ms. Light or Ms. Emfinger so that we can make sure to have enough supplies! All parents and family of Beebe Middle School students are welcome to attend.
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Beebe Middle School Student Council Pancake Breakfast
Beebe Middle School Spirit Week September 24 - 28, 2018 Mon - Tie Dye vs Neon Day Tue - Decades Day (50's, 60's, 70's etc.) Wed - Twin Day Thu - Animal Day Fri - Red/White Day Dress up and show your school spirit!!! #BPRD #UnlockYourPotential
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Mrs. Light's math class has been concluding our geometry study with quadrilaterals. Students worked in groups and were given a quadrilateral to to draw, define, and tell what types of angles and sides each had. The students were able to show off their creativity and knowledge by creating a poster. Once they had discovered this information, they reinforced their knowledge by playing quadrilateral spoons. This game is played similarly to the card game spoons. Students had to match two pictures of the figure, the word and the definition during the game. Now, every day they ask if we can play quadrilateral spoons!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Mrs. Light's math class has been concluding our geometry study with quadrilaterals.  Students worked in groups and were given a quadrilateral to to draw, define, and tell what types of angles and sides each had.  The students were able to show off their creativity and knowledge by creating a poster.  Once they had discovered this information, they reinforced their knowledge by playing quadrilateral spoons.  This game is played similarly to the card game spoons.  Students had to match two pictures of the figure, the word and the definition during the game.  Now, every day they ask if we can play quadrilateral spoons!
Voter turn-out this Constitution Day in the BMS Student Council Elections is described as heavy this morning!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Long lines  at the BMS Polling Place.
Beebe Middle School Pancake Breakfast
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School 5th Grade
Beebe Middle School Student Council Pancake Breakfast