Mrs. Kidder teaches the BMS Badger Pledge during library class. We are Badgers, Individually Unique and Together Complete, We Persevere, We Don't Quit, We will Succeed Because of It! We are Badgers! #bprd #BMSGameOn!
We have had an overwhelming response to updating HAC passwords, and we are so excited for you to be involved in your child's education. Those requests are being updated in the order they came in, but it is taking quite a bit of time. Please be patient as we update accounts since it is completed on an individual basis.
If you are wanting to have access to your child's grades through Home Access Center (HAC), please click the link below.
Parents and Guardians, all Home Access Center (HAC) logins will be different for BMS parents this year. The login you have used in the past is no longer active. If you are wanting to check your student's grades online, you must complete the form attached in order to gain access.
Parents/Guardians of Beebe Schools students, As we embark on a new school year, we are excited to celebrate our students' achievements and share their successes through our media outlets! However, we understand that privacy preferences vary, and we want to respect yours. If you do NOT want your child's name or picture published on our school media outlets, please fill out the attached form - This will ensure that your student is not published on any school-related media sources. Again, please only submit the form if you do NOT want your student's name or picture published. If you approve of your student being published, you do not need to take any action at this time. Thank you for being a part of our school community!
We had a wonderful first week at Beebe Middle School! Have a restful weekend, and we look forward to another great week! #BPRD #BMSGameOn
Happy birthday to our school counselor, Cari Rector! She is always sharing her smile and her heart with the students and faculty! #bprd #BMSGameOn!
Beebe Open Arms Church donated hand sanitizers for all of our students today! Thank you! We love our community partners! #bprd # BMSGameOn!
BMS building theme for 2023-2024. #bprd #BMSGameOn!
What a great open house! We are excited to see everyone on Monday! #bprd #BMSGameOn!
BMS was blessed with donations of school supplies from Brenton Lovell and Dustin Jones, Badger alumni. The generosity of these young men is greatly appreciated and makes this Badger proud! #bprd #BMSGameOn!
BMS teachers are getting it done! They are preparing for a great year! Can't wait to see everyone at open house! #bprd #BMSGameOn!
Check out this awesome opportunity to help out your school!
Today 5th grade teachers worked to ensure a strong foundation for their instruction and student learning. New math and literacy standards were analyzed, essential standards were identified, lessons were planned and they are ready to do the work to make sure students grow! It is going to be a great year! #bprd #BMSGameOn!
Keep an eye out for your class letters! #BPRD. #BMSGameOn!
Keep an eye out for class letters!
Can't wait! Hope to see you there!
Mrs. Rose's sixth grade students used their math skills to design a food truck. They came up with a logo and business name. They used their knowledge of decimals to design a menu and their geometry skills to create a floor plan and construct their truck. #bprd #bmspawpower
Together, BMS read 27,150,109 words this year!
No Band today May 18th & Tomorrow May 19th. The last day for band will be Monday, May 22nd.
Beebe Middle School is grateful for community sponsors, like Yarnell's Ice Cream, for donating for our student incentives. Such a generous company and leadership that loves to share smiles with students! Thank you! #bprd #bmspawpower