Mrs. Langston’s and Mrs. King’s class celebrated the end of their Nez Perce module by carving arrowheads from soap. #bprd #BMSGameOn
Mr. Belew’s elective class spent a little time on a recent afternoon watching for and observing the annual migration of Monarch Butterflies. #bprd #BMSGaemOn
Mrs. Pasley's class carved arrowheads out of soap to culminate Module 1 unit of Wit and Wisdom. #bprd #BMSGameOn
Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days!!!!! #bprd #BMSGameOn
Red Ribbon Week will be October 30 through November 3, and we are so excited!! We will have a poster contest, and we want to make sure our students have plenty of time to design their masterpieces!
Ms. Davis’ classes invented a procedure to separate a mixture.
Mrs. Stansbury's class had fun at the Sunshine Rodeo field trip on Friday. They were excited to see some of the animals that they have been learning about in Science.
We had 38 students from Beebe Middle School participate in our Unified Sports bowling practice last Wednesday! Our bowling tournament will be November 8, and we are super excited!
Looking forward to another great week! Hope to see you tomorrow morning! #bprd #BMSGameOn!
Coach Chism with his Badger Brag recipients!!!
If you are planning to check your student out on Friday for Homecoming, you must do so no later than 11:00. Also, please make sure that an authorized individual is picking your student up; we will check IDs to make sure the student can be checked out by that person.
Mrs. Pasley's class had a fun time working on decorating their door for a contest!
Coats for Kids is Saturday!!
Ms. Davis’ classes investigated the behavior of air particles. They used this information to make a model of a hot air balloon, and they the did a gallery walk. #bprd #BMSGameOn
BMS Dance Info!!! Email Mr. Davis for more information at
Mrs. Difani's class analyzed the mood of different scenes in Thunder Rolling in the Mountains! #bprd #BMSGameOn
Attendance Matters! Check out this cool graphic! #bprd #BMSGameOn!
More BOOK FAIR information!!
Better late than never!! Here is Coach Chism with last week's Badger Brag recipients!!
#bprd BMSGameOn