The Beebe Public School District would like to congratulate all of our 2018 retiring personnel.  We thank you for your years of service to our district and wish you all a wonderful retirement.

Rita Armstrong
Middle School Cafeteria Manager
14 years in district and  23 years total in state.

Nicholas Benson
Middle School Assistant Principal
12 years in district and  36 years total in state.

Joyce Bramlett
Middle School Teacher
14 years in district and  24 years total in state.

Mickey Cox
Band Director
32 years in district and  39 years total in state.

Lari Ann Epperson
Math Coach
34 years in district.

Chuck Reeves
Bus Driver
22 years in district.
Kim Sandlin
Hippy Instructor
25 years in district.

Belinda Shook
26 years in district and  32 years total in state.

Rick Sowell
Band Director
34 years in district and  36 years total in state.