The Virtual Academy is a flexible yet effective, tuition-free online learning approach that is available to any public school student, Grades 7 - 12, whose preferred learning environment is virtual.
We recognize that virtual learning has become a viable and effective mode of education for many learners. We are happy to offer this option to Beebe School District students in 7th - 12th Grades. Read more about the Virtual Academy below.
Virtual learning is offered via Virtual Arkansas. All instruction and course work will be delivered online, with support from Beebe School District facilitators and Virtual Arkansas teachers. Students will work with their counselors to enroll in the courses that meet their personal learning goals as well as adhere to Arkansas course credit requirements. Students may enroll in up to 3 courses on site. Virtual students are eligible to participate in extracurricular activities if they choose.
Virtual Academy Application - Open enrollment in the Virtual Academy for the 2025 Spring semester is open December 2 - 13, 2024. District personnel will review all applications submitted during this time and inform you of your student's approval status. AFTER the open enrollment deadline, applications due to extenuating circumstances only will be reviewed by the committee on a case by case basis, and a district representative will contact you to let you know of your approval status.
School Choice:
If you reside in another school district and would like to enroll in the BSD Virtual Academy for the upcoming school year, you may complete a School Choice application by May 1st of the current school year.
After the May 1st deadline, you must complete a Petition for Transfer form and send to your residential school district. Once approved, it will be forwarded to the Beebe School District. Once approved, you will be contacted by Virtual Academy personnel to schedule an enrollment appointment.
Entrance Criteria:
Students who failed one or more virtual or onsite courses in the previous school year (Fall and/or Spring) will not be eligible to enroll in the Virtual Academy for the upcoming semester.
Any student who did not complete state mandated standardized testing in the previous school year will be ineligible to enroll in the Virtual Academy for the upcoming semester/year.
District personnel have the right to deem a student ineligible for enrollment in the Virtual Academy due to their lack of success in a virtual or onsite learning environment in the previous school year.
Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on an individual basis by the BSD Virtual Academy Executive Committee.
Although not required, recommended virtual student characteristics include the following:
- Self-motivated
- Independent Learner
- Computer Literate
- Good Time Manager
- Effective Communicator
- Personal Commitment
- Academic Readiness
Transition Requirements:
Any student with a failing grade in any course will be required to transition to on site at the end of each quarter and remain there for the remainder of the school year.
Any student who fails to comply with student handbook guidelines will be returned to on site instruction.
Mandated transition due to failure to meet requirements will occur on an as needed basis.
Students/parents may choose to opt out of the Virtual Academy within 10 SCHOOL DAYS of the start of the semester or at the end of the quarter.
Any time a student transitions from virtual to on site (due to their choice or mandated return), they and their parents will be required to complete the Virtual Academy Drop Form.
Students may not re enroll in the Virtual Academy during the same school year after returning to on site.
Student failure to engage in learning and/or complete digital assignments will result in
the following steps taking place to the degree necessary to regain student engagement
with learning:
○ District Virtual Academy personnel will contact the student and parent.
○ Discuss repercussions of disengagement -
■ Truancy
■ Retention
○ District personnel will contact school police officer for home visits.
○ 7-12 Virtual Administrator will take necessary steps to ensure student protection
by contacting appropriate agency.
○ Continued disengagement will result in the student being required to return to on
site learning.
Student & Parent Expectations:
Virtual students will adhere to all BSD Student Handbook Policies.
BSD Student Handbooks can be found on our website under "Parent and Student Resources."
All LOCAL AND STATE mandated assessments will be required to be taken ON SITE at designated dates, times, and locations set by the district.
If approved for enrollment in the Virtual Academy, all students must attend an orientation session. Communication will be sent to approved students about dates and times of the orientation.
All virtual students must submit all student required forms, which include a chromebook contract.
It is HIGHLY recommended that students who enroll in the Virtual Academy have high speed, reliable internet service at home. In the event that a virtual student needs internet access, the district can provide a hotspot. However, there are barriers for students who use hotspots as their permanent internet source so this would only be a temporary solution.
District Services:
All students will be issued a district-owned chromebook.
Calculators will be available for check out to all virtual students as needed.
Temporary hotspots are available to virtual students as needed.
Special Services:
Virtual teachers will provide accommodations and/or modifications to students with IEPs or 504s as needed. The virtual Special Education teacher will ensure all special education students receive required special education minutes/services.
Therapy services will be available in person or virtually.
Gifted & Talented:
Beebe School District will follow all Gifted and Talented Program Approval Standards with virtual and face-to-face students.
Details about services for Gifted and Talented virtual students can be found here: bit.ly/bsdvirtualgt
Mental Health Support:
9-12 students will have the option to enroll in an advisory course to help them stay on track and maintain connections within the district.
The Virtual Academy facility will perform wellness checks on students. Counselors will be available for individual and group counseling as needed.
Forms & Links:
Upon approval for enrollment in the Virtual Academy, the following forms will need to be submitted by the student and their guardian(s):
Student Required Forms - includes Chromebook Contract and Internet Usage Agreement
All applicable forms must be signed and submitted before classes start.
Virtual Academy Drop Form - This form must be filled out and submitted BY or UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF school personnel any time a student is transitioning from virtual to on site learning.
You may submit any questions you have about the Virtual Academy to virtualacademy@beebeschools.org.