Military Families Support Page
The Beebe School District is committed to acknowledging, supporting, and providing resources to our military families. We know there are celebrations and sacrifices made daily for those who choose to serve our country and we appreciate the willingness to do so.
It is our goal to support all of our military families here at Beebe School District any way that we can. Below you will find contact information, resources, and school activities that aid in us reaching that goal.
Purple Star Status!
We are proud to announce that as of October 2022, all five of our schools and our district have earned "Purple Star" status! The Arkansas Purple Star School Award recognizes schools and school districts that show a major commitment to serving students and families connected to our nation’s armed forces. This achievement underscores our ongoing efforts to support military students and their families, ensuring they have a welcoming and inclusive educational environment. It is a testament to the dedication of our staff who work diligently to meet the unique needs of military-connected students. We are proud to be a symbol of excellence in serving these families and are motivated to continue our mission of providing a quality education to all our students!
Visit https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/legal/military-families--veterans/purple-star-schools for more information on the Arkansas Purple Star School program.

District Military Support Contact Information
Name | Title | Phone: (501) 882-5463 | |
Chelsey Swindle | District Military Liaison | Ext 1069 | cswindle@beebeschools.org |
Jennifer Curtis | Beebe Early Childhood Counselor | Ext 1099 | jcurtis@beebeschools.org |
Melissa Brown | Beebe Elementary Counselor | Ext 1251 | mbrown@beebeschools.org |
Cari Rector | Beebe Middle School Counselor | Ext 2008 | crector@beebeschools.org |
Nicole Mitsunaga | Beebe Junior High Counselor | Ext 1056 | nmitsunaga@beebeschools.org |
Tiffany Crafton | Beebe High School Counselor | Ext 1067 | tcrafton@beebeschools.org |