
To our parents and community members,

As you may be aware, schools and communities around the state have seen a recent increase in quarantines & COVID-19 cases. Student and staff safety is and will continue to be our top priority at Beebe School District. Please continue to have your students limit social gatherings, social distance when possible, wash their hands, and wear their masks. We are so proud of our staff and students for their diligence in limiting the spread of the virus so far. As we have seen, it can spread quickly, so it is imperative that we continue to follow all ADH and CDC guidelines. 

At this time, on site instruction is still the safest option for our students who are not quarantined. We will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis and will notify you if anything changes. We will be having some revisions to our basketball schedule over the next couple of weeks that will be shared out on social media today so be on the lookout for those.  

Current active numbers can be found on our COVID-19 dashboard, available at bit.ly/bsdcoviddashboard. It can also be found at the top of our website homepage.   

Thank you for your continued support of the district, our staff, and our students during these challenging times!   #BPRD