⭐️Kindergarten Star Students⭐️
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Fun at the park!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
The cattle barn! 🐮
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
The Badger Closet is collecting clothes, school supplies, toiletries, etc for the students at Beebe. If you have any items you would like donate, please email thebadgercloset.k12.ar.us
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Attendance Awareness Month is September, but the campaign to end chronic absence starts now! It’s a bigger problem than you probably think. The foundations of learning starts here. Learn more about chronic absence and join the Attendance Awareness Campaign today! http://bit.ly/1oqfID7
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Attendance Matters
Students in kindergarten enjoy looking at non fiction books during Library class. #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Ms. Barrentine’s class started OG this week. C says ‘C’ & finished the week with our ‘cat’. These kiddos love their math stories!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
First Grade Star Students
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Kindergarten Star Students
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Ms. Stigler's class knows all about the letter "C"!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Mrs. Zeiglers class is enjoying learning stations!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Have a great weekend! We will see you back on Tuesday, September 4th.
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
FIRST GRADE PARENTS: Please check your child’s folder for the note pictured. Please sign and return to school as soon as possible. Thanks!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
First Grade Only
We will be sending home class t-shirt order forms next week! Please look in your child’s folders. Thanks!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
School T-shirt
Ms. Chesser’s class is excited about Rainbow day ! Aiden Nicholas made his own shirt for today! 😊 💙💚💛🧡❤️💜💗
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
✨First Grade Star Students✨
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
💫Kindergarten Star Students 💫
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
🍎September Menu🍎
over 6 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood