7th grade Lady Badger Volleyball #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Ashley Brinkman
7th volleyball
Miss Amber Gunter’s 7th ELA Students are learning about literary devices! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Gunter 8-20
Coach Edwards is assisting his 8th Grade History Students with a Google Slides Presentation! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Edwards slide
BJHS Announcements: All required Student Forms must be completed and turned in to the office by today. Fall Pictures for the yearbook will be August 28th. If you are interested in Student Council, please see Mrs. Jones for an application. #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” William James #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
BJHS Crest
Mrs. Tammy Jackson is outlining her expectations with her 8th Grade ELA Students. It is amazing to hear a veteran teacher relate to her students this way! The students were locked in to her every word! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
jackson cp
Miss Amber Gunter's 7th Grade ELA students are busy reading and writing during the first week of school. We are so happy Miss Gunter "offically" has joined the BJHS Family! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
gunter first week 2
When it rains outside on a Friday, how do our Physical Education Teachers and students at BJHS respond? Monitor and Adjust! Indoor ping-pong tournament in our PD Room! #BPRD @badg_mark
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Mrs. Pfaffenberger and Mrs. Jenkins are assisting their students who are organizing some paper. Our students at BJHS are hard-working, unselfish, and great helpers! #BPRD @JamieKKJenkins
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
SC Copy Paper
Coaches Crafton and Garrett joined their PE classes for a Friday Fitness Day! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Crafton Garrett
Mrs. Melanie Gardner’s 7th Grade Science Students are playing a friendly game of Kahoot! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Gardner Kahoot
Mrs. Sarah Hale and Mrs. Diana Roventini’s 8th Graders are busy taking The Star Reading Test! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Hale Star
All Required Student forms are due today. Today is the last day for schedule changes. #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
If you are interested in Student Council, please see Mrs. Jones for an application. Any 7th or 8th grade GT student who missed the morning meeting, please go by Mrs. Brumfield's classroom. Fall Pictures for the yearbook will be August 28th. #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!” Audrey Hepburn #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
BJHS Crest
Happy Birthday, Coach Tonya May!! Thanks for all you do for BJHS and our students! Enjoy your day! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
T May Bday
Miss Gunter’s 7th grade English class using Kagan strategy Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up to talk about the best books they’ve ever read!
over 6 years ago, Meagan Joslin
Miss Gunter’s class
Miss Gunter’s class
Mr. Rector’s students learning the engineering design process! Can your tower hold the razorback?
over 6 years ago, Ashley Brinkman
Tower 3
Tower 4
Tower 2
Mrs. Shannon’s class learning key coding
over 6 years ago, Ashley Brinkman
Key coding 2
Key coding 1
Mr. Blot’s 7th period testing out their math dance moves!
over 6 years ago, Ashley Brinkman
Math dance moves 4
Math dance moves 3
Math dance moves 1
Math dance moves 2