Coach Rector’s engineering classes left us great motivational messages in the rain.
over 6 years ago, Ashley Brinkman
Rain sidewalks
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Mona Tarkington! Many thanks from all of us at BJHS for all the amazing things you do for our 8th Grade Physical Science Students! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
tarkington birthday
Coach Mike Garrett’s 8th Grade Health Students are engaged in an outdoor Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up! #BPRD #Kagan
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Garrett SHP
Mr. Greg Stinnett’s High School Intern is assisting students in a Socratic Seminar Circle Activity! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Stinnett SC
BJHS Announcements: FCCLA Pageant forms are in the Badger Box in front of the office. Forms must be completed and returned to the Jr. High office by Monday, September 10th. #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
BJHS Crest
Coach Howard’s 8th Grade Scientists are finishing up a lab and working “Bell to Bell!” #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Howard lab
Mrs. Joy Sites and her 7th Grade Keycoding Class are engaged in their typing lessons/games! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Sites keycoding
FCCLA Pageant forms are in the Badger Box in front of the office. Forms must be completed and returned to the Jr. High office by Monday, September 10th. #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
“Citizenship is a sense of belonging to a community for which one bears some responsibility. In a word, citizenship implies public-spiritedness, which is akin to patriotism, and has to be cultivated.” Walter Berns #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
BJHS Crest
Mrs. Janet Allen's 8th Grade Science Students are investigating by using The CER Method -Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
allen CER
BJHS students engaged in an intense game of 4 square during 8th Grade Lunch Free Time! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
4 square
Completed FCCLA Pageant forms need to be returned to the Jr. High office by Monday, September 10th. All required student forms need to be turned into the office in the office. Students, remember school will NOT be in session on Monday for the Labor Day Holiday. #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
“Honesty is the quality that I value most in a friend. Not bluntness, but honesty with compassion.” Brooke Shields #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
BJHS Crest
Coach Laura Tucker’s 7th Graders engaged in a Kagan Structure! #BPRD @lauratuck
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
Happy Birthday to Miss Amber Gunter! We are so excited you are "officially" part of the Badger Family! Thank you for all you do for our students and all your hard-work with the Yearbook students pictured here! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
gunter birthday
Coach Mark Crafton is the big-time door prize winner during our September faculty meeting! Congrats, Coach, and thank you for all that you do for our students and athletes! #BPRD @badg_mark
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
crafton gift card
Mrs. Gwen Lane’s social studies class is sharing questions and predictions about the graphic novel, “Dead Reckon,” in preparation for a study on mapping a disease outbreak! #BPRD @Gwendol48078662
over 6 years ago, Art Bell
lane gn1
lane gn2
lane gn3
lane gn4
BJHS Announcements: FCCLA Pageant forms are in the Badger Box in front of the office. Forms must be completed and returned to the Jr. High office by Monday, September 10th. All required student forms need to be turned into the office in the office. #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
“Be a reflection of what you’d like to see in others. If you want love, give love, if you want honesty, give honesty, if you want respect, give respect. You get in return what you give.” Anonymous #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Leslie Curry
BJHS Crest