Mr Prothro’s Survey of Ag class learns the basics of woodworking, electricity, and welding. #bprd #Bhsyoubelong
Thanks to Amanda Wallace for hosting today‘s Tech Tuesday on how to annotate using the Whiteboard app. #bprd #Bhsyoubelong
Mr Shipp’s Foundations of Sports Medicine and Mrs Dodge’s Med Procedures classes learn about wrapping and how to accurately measure height and weight. #bprd #Bhsyoubelong
Tuesday's PLC group of teachers analyzing classroom walk-through data.
The JH Badgers fall to the Gryphons in their season opener- 55-36. #bprd #bhsyoubelong
JH Badgers trail at the end of the first quarter. 12-7 Gryphons. #bprd # bhsyoubelong
The JH Lady Badgers hold onto the win! Badgers 30 Gryphons 27! #bprd # bhsyoubelong
The BHS Staff Trivia Winners from the past two weeks: Mrs. Channing and Nurse Kendra.
Mr. Stewart's Community Service class with help from Mr. Grant's 7th period class worked hard the past two days. They assited Mrs. Sandlin pack and transport the EC food drive items to the food pantry. #bprd #bhsyoubelong
Mrs. Davis's Life Fitness Nutrition class did yoga with Tara Walker today for Fit Friday and really liked it. #bprd #bhsyoubelong
Beebe High School received a Community Grant from Walmart Distibution Center 6018! Thank you for your support!
Mock Election at. BHS has begun!! A special thanks to Mrs Sanders and Mrs Poertner for giving our staff and students an opportunity to participate in this civic exercise! #bprd #bhsyoubelong
Shoutout to our Tech Team ! Thank you for moving and installing our TV for our morning annoucements.
Shoutout to our Tech Team ! Thank you for moving and installing our TV for our morning annoucements.
BHS salutes seniors Holly Smith and Treavor Harris, seniors who missed Senior Night In September. #bprd , #bhsyoubelong
Red Ribbon Week Advisory Door Contest Winners: Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Sanders. Congratulations!! #bprd #bhsyoubelong #ARRedRibbonWeek
Big THANK YOU to the BHS staff for providing lunch for the administrators today!! Delicious!!! #bprd #bhsyou belong
BHS students began watching "Chasing the Dragon" yesterday during advisory for Red Ribbon Week. The purpose of this film is to raise awareness of drug abuse and the profound downward spiral that can be caused by opiate addiction. #bprd #bhsyoubelong #ARRedRibbonWeek
Take a look at more of the Red Ribbon Week advisory class door decorating contest participants. #redribbonweek #bprd #bhsyoubelong
You never know who's going to show up during Red Ribbon Week. Thank you McGruff the Crime Dog, for stopping by today! #bprd #bhsyoubelong