Starting after Christmas Break, Beebe High School will implement a new program for students entitled, "Alternative Method of Instructions Days," better known as "AMI Days."
What exactly is "AMI Days"? Beebe High School Principal Karla Tarkington recently detailed what "AMI Days" is, what it means for our students;
"The Arkansas Department of Education has approved a waiver for Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) days for Beebe School District. These days would be used in place of snow days or other qualifying days when school would normally be in attendance. Students will complete packets given to them by their teacher when school is cancelled. These packets will be distributed after Christmas break.
Students will be given a folder containing work for up to five (5) AMI days. The student is responsible for keep up with this folder. The contents will also be available to students and parents through the school web site. Students will be given specific instructions concerning AMI days when the packets are distributed.
For students in grades 9-12, attendance will be taken based on the packet of materials being turned in to the teacher within 2 days of returning to school. If a student does not return the assigned AMI work within the specific time frame, he/she will be counted absent for the period(s) in which work was not returned.
Students and parents will be notified through our phone message system when school is canceled along with a reminder to complete the AMI work for that day. Information concerning AMI days will be posted on the school website and various social media.
Beebe Public Schools will use the first 5 days missed due to inclement weather, natural disaster or other catastrophic event as AMI days. Any additional days missed by the district will be considered make-up days."
This is very exciting news for students! The hopes of this program is to eliminate adding days on towards the end of the school year! Because we know when it gets closer to summer time, everyone starts getting a little antsy!
As it is mentioned above, all AMI Packets will be available on our website after Christmas break! If you have specific questions concerning AMI days for BHS students, please contact us at our Beebe High School Main Office, at 501.882.5463.