Semester Testing

The conclusion of the first semester of school is rapidly approaching, which means semester exams are approaching as well. Please view the protocols for semester test exemptions, along with the schedule. If you have any questions, please contact the BHS Main Office at 501-882-5463.

A student must have a doctor’s excuse in order to be excused from a test during the scheduled testing time. If a student misses a test and fails to bring a doctor’s excuse, ten points will be deducted from his/her semester test grade. Students may check out of school for the day when they are finished with their tests if they have made PRIOR arrangements. Prior arrangements are:

  1. A note signed by the student’s parent(s) indicating when he/she is to check out, or

  2. Other prior notification from the student’s parents.

Students will NOT be allowed to use the school phone to make arrangements. Students who check out after finishing tests for the day will NOT be allowed to return to the school campus for the remainder of the school day.

Students are required to take their exam at the scheduled time. Students are not permitted to take the exam early. Students with four 4 or fewer unexcused absences may be exempt in a class if they maintain a “C” or better average in that class for the semester. Students with a D or an F in a class will not be exempt from the semester exam for that class. Also, please be advised that students with fines/charges in the library, cafeteria, parking, etc., must have those paid off in order to be exempt from semester exams. Students can speak with their teachers regarding fines/charges.

Students that bring doctors' notes for attendance purposes must have those turned in by Monday, December 11th.

The student handbook states, "students who are suspended from school during the semester will not be exempt from any semester test for that semester." Please see Semester Test Policy in the student handbook on pg. 53 & 54



    • 8:00 – 9:30: 1

      st Period Tests

    • 9:35 – 11:05: 3

      rd Period Tests

    • 11:10 – 11:50: LUNCH (ONE LUNCH ONLY)

    • 11:55 – 1:25: 4

      th Period Tests

    • 1:30 – 3:12: 5

      th Period Tests


    • 8:00 – 9:30: 6

      th Period Tests

    • 9:35 – 11:05: 7

      th Period Tests

    • 11:10 – 11:50: LUNCH (ONE LUNCH ONLY)

    • 11:55 - 1:25: 8

      th Period Tests

    • 1:30 – 3:12: 2

      nd Period


    • 8:00 – 10:00: 1, 2, 3, period make-ups

    • 10:05 – 12:05: 4, 5, 6 period make-ups

    • 12:05 – 1:12: LUNCH (ONE LUNCH ONLY)

    • 1:12 – 3:12: 6, 7, 8 period make-ups