REMEMBER...Volunteer Orientation tomorrow @ 2:00pm or 6:00pm! You just need to come to one! It will be in the Family Center in the 4th grade building. Signs will be posted to help direct you there.
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary School
Volunteer Orientation
“New Kids on the Block” small group doing a scavenger hunt around our school to become familiar with our building!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary School
Headed to find more locations on our scavenger hunt!
Finding the principal’s office.
Finding the nurse’s office!
Mr. Rollins participates in the 4th grade popcorn science lab with Mrs. Clevenger's class. Hands-on learning is fun!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School
Using the pipette to measure the oil.
Placing popcorn kernels in the test tubes.
Safety first!
Carefully heating the popcorn and oil.
Soccer anyone?? ⚽️
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary
Soccer anyone??? ⚽️
In the library this week 2nd graders heard a story about Mr. Wiggle’s Book & identified ways a book was mistreated on a coloring page. The 3rd & 4th graders pulled mystery items from a bag & explained how they related to book care. (Ex. Keep library books away from dogs.)
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary
Mr. Wiggle Book
Mystery Item
Mr. Wiggle Book
Teachers working hard analyzing assessment data. #BPRD #OntheRoadtoSuccess
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary School
#BPRD #OntheRoadtoSuccess
#BPRD #OntheRoadtoSuccess
#BPRD #OntheRoadtoSuccess
#BPRD #OntheRoadtoSuccess
Badger Volunteer Orientation for Beebe Elementary will be on August 28th! Please be checking your mail for your" Save the Date" letters! #BPRD
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary School
Volunteer Orientation
Elementary teachers and admin will do anything to make sure your kids get on the right bus and home!! Even if that means getting drenched walking them to buses!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary
Bus Duty
Fields' class getting setup in Moby Max!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary
First Friday Celebration!!!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Middle School
First Friday celebration!
Thanks for all the wonderful visitors for lunch! That makes for a special day!
over 6 years ago, Little Badger PreK
2nd Grade Lunch Visitors Thursday! We love having special lunch guests for surprise lunch dates!
Thanks for coming for lunch!
What a great surprise for lunch!
What a great end to the first week! ♥️🍧
over 6 years ago, Little Badger PreK
Thank you Mr. Rollins for thinking of our awesome students!!
Do not forget about our Family Center!! Several resources (games, books, etc.) are available for you to check-out.It is located in the 4th grade building.
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary
Mrs. McElmurry’s class participated in activity today called “Silent Puzzles”. The students were asked to get into a group & solve a puzzle without talking. This was to help teach and practice cooperative learning. The students had so much fun with it and they all did fantastic!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary
Ms. Swafford's elementary art classes have been making "dotty" works of art inspired by the book the dot by Peter H. Reynolds.
over 6 years ago, Little Badger PreK
Ms. Swafford's elementary art classes have been making "dotty" works of art inspired by the book the dot by Peter H. Reynolds.
Ms. Swafford's elementary art classes have been making "dotty" works of art inspired by the book the dot by Peter H. Reynolds.
Each school nurse went to Stop the Bleed Train the Trainer- training this summer and earned a free bleeding control kit and wall-mount for our school district. (6 total) each kit costs about $1000. Thanks to our awesome nurses for keeping everyone safe and being proactive!!
over 6 years ago, Beebe Elementary
4th Grade Stop the Bleed Kit
2nd & 3rd Grade Stop the Bleed Kit
Great 2nd day in 2nd Grade lunch!
over 6 years ago, Little Badger PreK
Great 2nd day in 2nd Grade lunch!
2nd grade participated in a reading competition in March and April. Students who read 1,000+ minutes were rewarded with a water party!! We had 71 students who earned this!!
almost 7 years ago, Beebe School District
Thank you Veterans, BHS ROTC, Band, FFA, Cross Country, Cheerleaders, Mr. Wooten, our sponsors, & Mrs. Shannon. Freedom Run is in the books!
over 9 years ago, Beebe Elementary School
Beebe Elementary Celebrates our Veterans. Opening Ceremony starts at 9:30 at Bro Irwin Stadium. Freedom Run and Veterans Picnic to follow.
over 9 years ago, Kim Pruitt