Beebe Early Childhood
2017 Read Across America Week
February 27th through March 3rd
Dress-up Days
Help us celebrate “Read Across America Week” by allowing your child to participate each day in the following activities:
Monday (2/27): Badgers in a Hat Day~ wear your badger t-shirt and your favorite hat. Hats off to Reading!!
Tuesday (2/28): Green Eggs and PJ Day~ wear your pajamas to school!
Wednesday (3/1): Wacky Wednesday~ colorful, weird, crazy, silly clothes! Dress wild and wacky from your head to your toes!
Thursday (3/2): One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, All the Colors You Wish~ wear as much of your pod color as you can to support “Read Across America Week” with flair!
Friday (3/3): Be a Character Day~ dress like your favorite character from any book. Bring the book with you to show what character you are!
*All outfits must be in regulation with the school dress code. Remember to wear appropriate shoes for PE and recess.
We have Kindergarten 2017-2018 Registration packets available in the BEC office. You may pick them up during school hours.
Your child must be 5 years old by August 1, 2017. Your child will not be registered until we have the following documents:
Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
Physical Form
Shot Records
Proof of Residence
Thank-you and please share!
The Father/Daughter Dance will be held this weekend on Saturday, February 18th at the Beebe High School Main Cafeteria. It will be held from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. For more information please call Paula Parnell at 501-882-5463 ext. 1239
Reminder for Monday, February 20th.
We had 237 students along with their parents to participate in World Read Aloud Day! Way to go Early Childhood!
Ms. Hawkins' class enjoyed their read aloud from the basketball team.
Basketball teams came to read to EC to help celebrate World Read Aloud Day.
Remember parents to share a book with your child tonight, complete the form that was sent home yesterday and return to school on Friday, and your child will receive a small prize from the library.
Our students enjoyed listening to stories read by our Basketball team members.
If you are unable to attend today, you may pick-up a registration packet from the EC office during school hours. Thanks and please share!
Ms. Chesser's class on Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day from Ms. Stinnett's class! 💘
The Badger Food Pantry will be distributing food Wednesday, February, 15th from 8:30 - 1:30.
Beebe School District
Kindergarten Registration
The Early Childhood Lobby will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. for
Kindergarten Registration on Thursday, February 16, 2017. Students that are starting
kindergarten for the 2017 -2018 school year must be five on or before August 1
, 2017.
When parents come to register students, they will need five pieces of
documentation for the student: social security card, birth certificate, proof of residency,
current shot records, and a current physical.
Please plan to attend Kindergarten Registration in the lobby without children (if
possible). February 16, 2017 is a day for completing registration paperwork. We will have
a Family Night for upcoming kindergarteners in April. This will be a time to do hands on
learning activities as a family, as well as get to know our school and staff. We look
forward to seeing you all.
YELP-a short sharp cry, especially in alarm or pain.
The puppy let out a yelp, when Chris accidentally stepped on it's tail.
1st Grade STAR Students
Kindergarten STAR Students
We love 1st grade "sew" much!
Ms. Carranco's class.