Ms. Stroupe’s students working hard from home! #BEC #BPRD

Peyton sent Kaylee a note to stay in touch! Then Kaylee sent Peyton a video ♥️
Sweet friends in Ms. Wallace’s class.

Ms. Stigler’s students are hard at work! 😊

Fun with letters!
~Stinnett #BEC #BPRD

Scavenger hunt fun!

Anyone who receives speech therapy, occupational therapy, or physical therapy and has not already been contacted by their service provider- please contact Sara Shock this week to help you connect to the right person.
sara.shock@badger.k12.ar.us or call

"Look at our beautiful Spring Squirrel Drawings!" ~Mrs. Davis ~Ms. DeJesus
#BEC #bprd

If you need to contact your child’s teacher or another staff member, please click on the link below for emails and information.

Brayden and EmmaGrace are working hard! ~Havens #bprd #BEC

Serenity, from Mrs. Stinnett’s class, practicing her spelling words!❤️

Chromebooks and hard copy AMI packets will be disbursed to students who still need them in a drive-through process on Tuesday, April 7, from 7:30 am to 11:30 am at Beebe Early Childhood. Anyone who has not yet received a Chromebook or hard copy AMI packet may pick them up at this time. Also during this time, a technology help desk will be available to assist with any technology issues you may be having.

These students are doing a great job working from home! ~Chesser

Kaidyn enjoyed his lunch from the bus!

We are proud of our wonderful students, parents, grandparents and caregivers!
This is from Brody’s mom. “He just finished watching you read your Easter story and wrote you a little letter. Thank you for everything you are doing for the kids during this crazy time!”

Nurse Amber is keeping our staff safe and healthy during school visits! Thank you, Nurse Amber!

Just a reminder that the Badger Food Pantry will open at 8:30 in the morning and close at 12:30.

We will still be distributing food on Wednesday.

The Beebe School District will have remote sites for Beebe students.

Friends at recess.
~Eden #BEC #BPRD

Parents, please check your child's folder this afternoon for AMI Packets 6-10.