Congratulations to Pierson, Hunter & Layla, winners of the MobyMax Spring Kickkoff! ~Carranco
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
We are proud of our Star Students!
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
1st Grade
Spring Break will be March 23rd to March 27th.
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
❤️ First Grade ❤️
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
❤️ Kindergarten ❤️
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
❤️❤️❤️ ~Carranco
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Reminder: Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow evening! If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or call the office at 501-882-5463 Ext. 1099. We look forward to meeting with our BEC families!
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Next week!
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
We had a guest reader this morning. Brittney Roberts science teacher and AUTHOR read her book to us today.   ~Wallace #BPRD #BEC #worldreadaloudday
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Parent Teacher Conferences for K - 12 will be next week Thursday, February 13th. School will be closed on Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th.
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
First Grade Families, the first graders will be singing the National Anthem at the Badger Alumni Game on Saturday, February 29th at 6 p.m.
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
It's World Read Aloud Day! This special day is to advocate for access to literacy as well as the power of reading aloud, an activity that has an immensely powerful impact on children’s development. Mrs. Hall's class enjoyed listening to a story read by Dr. Nail this morning!
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Dr. Nail
We are proud of these students! #BEC #BPRD
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Dear Families, We have come to the time of year to expect cold and flu symptoms. Some of these are unavoidable but there are several things you can do at home to help prevent illness and keep everyone feeling healthy. Here are some tips to remember: Please wash all coats, backpacks and lunch boxes. If you are unable to wash it in the washing machine, please use a disinfectant on it. If your child brings a water bottle to school, please have them take it home daily to be washed or bring a new one each day. Please remind your child to cover coughs and sneezes with their elbow or a tissue and them wash their hand or use hand sanitizer. WASH, WASH, WASH YOUR HANDS! This is still the best defense against illness. Encourage your children to wash, especially before meals, using soap and warm water. To ensure they are taking enough time to adequately kill germs, have them sing the ABC song while scrubbing. Unfortunately, even with the best care, a virus can make us sick. Cold symptoms are best relieved with rest and fluids and may last as long as 10 days. If symptoms persist longer than this, the child should see a physician. Please keep in mind the guidelines below when deciding if your child should come to school. Any child with the following symptoms should stay home: -A fever 100 degrees or higher. A child should not come back to school until the temperature is normal for 24 hours without medication. -vomiting or diarrhea -a frequent cough -any rash accompanied by a fever -ear pain and/or eye drainage -sore throat with a fever and/or rash Thank you for helping us keep our students healthy and at their best.
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Mrs. Havens class rocked Red, White and Blue for Kindness week! 🇺🇸
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Twinning friends for yellow day! ~Carranco
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
It's Kindness Week here at BEC! Families we would like you to join us in The Great Kindness Challenge! Have fun and complete as many acts of kindness as you can! "Unexpected Kindness: The most powerful, least costly and the most underrated agent of human change." Bob Kerrey
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
First Grade Star Students
almost 5 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
First Grade Star Students