We read The Dot and turned the dot into something else! ~Zeigler #BEC #BPRD
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
We read The Dot today and turned our dot into something amazing! ~Sawatsky #BEC #BPRD
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Dear BEEBE EARLY CHILDHOOD parents, This school year will be different, but one thing that doesn’t change is our desire to remember the important memories in our children’s lives! The ONE place that will capture and preserve the memories of this unique school year is the yearbook! Order before 9/25/2020 and receive up to FOUR FREE icons on the cover of the yearbook with the purchase of personalization (your student’s name, crest or monogram). Click to purchase at http://jostensyearbooks.com?ref=A01110241.
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Congratulations to our Beebe Early Childhood Virtual Academy Star Students! These kiddos have worked super hard, turned in their work, listened to their teacher, and showed tons of participation in their learning. Good job Jaycee (K), Dominic (K), Isaac (1st), and Zachery (1st). 🤩 ~Mrs. Curtis #BEC #BPRD
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Math game fun! ~Carranco #BEC #BPRD
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
September Menu
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
September Menu
Next Monday!
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Parents and Guardians: If your student did not return their Chromebook and charger today, please return them Monday. Thank you and have a great weekend!
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Our K-1 students received, The Kids' Guide to the Coronavirus, as a resource for families to utilize when discussing the Coronavirus. A special thank you to the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) and Governor Asa Hutchinson.
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Thank you to Central Office staff and administrators for helping out this week! We definitely appreciate you! #BEC #BPRD
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Each one of our classrooms have added protection for safety. We are happy to have dividers for our students and teachers.
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Learning school rules! ~Ziegler #BEC #BPRD
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
August Menu
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
August Menu
We are excited to welcome back our first graders and meet new friends today! #BEC #BPRD
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Please click the link below to complete the updated Chromebook Contact. Thank you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOjRIMmqOOtvfkQIoQxfm99Qku4i0maXajPVEhva_QLihxsQ/viewform
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
A message from our school counselor, Ms. Jennifer Curtis! https://youtu.be/VEaITB9qAkc
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Kindergarten Open House is today! We look forward to meeting our new kindergarten friends!
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
School Entrance
Please click the link below to access forms for Open Houses. The following forms need to be completed before you come to Open House. -Early Childhood Handbook Form -Early Childhood Student Chromebook Contract -Free and Reduced Meal Application -Title 1 Compact -Annual Title 1 Meeting Presentation Thank you for your support and consideration. If you have any questions, please call our office at 501-882-5463 Ext. 1099. https://www.beebebadgers.org/o/early-childhood
over 4 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood