Thanksgiving Break is November 25-27. Happy Thanksgiving from Beebe Early Childhood and Ms. Stinnett's class!

We had a great Grandparents' Day! We would like to say a big THANK-YOU to all of our volunteers that helped. We appreciate all that you do!

Reminder: 😊Grandparents' Day is tomorrow!

Grandparents' Day Lunch Schedule
10:45-11:15 Kindergarten A Lunch
11:15-11:45 Kindergarten B Lunch
11:45-12:15 1st Grade A Lunch
12:15-12:45 1st Grade B Lunch

Grandparents' Day is Monday at Beebe Early Childhood! The morning schedule is as follows:
8:15-9:45 Kindergarten Grandparents
10:00-11:30 First Grade Grandparents

The Scholastic Book Fair is here!

Check out some of our turkeys in disguise! Great job!

Reminder: Flu shots or mist tomorrow, Tuesday, November 17th.

Don't forget to order a 2015-2016 yearbook. They are on sale for $30. After December 4th, the price is $35. Please click the link to order now. http://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1914166/Beebe-Early-Childhood/

EC November Events
November 17-23
Book Fair
November 17
Flu Clinic
November 23
Grandparents' Day
November 25-27
Thanksgiving Break

Ms. Simpson's class celebrated Veteran's Day by wearing green. Thank-you to all of our Veterans, we are proud of you!

Be sure to check out our new website for important news and events. http://www.beebebadgers.org/o/early-childhood

Monday, November 23rd is BEC's annual Grandparent's Day! K is 8:15-9:45 & 1st is 10:00-11:30. Make plans to be apart of this special day! 😊

The First Grade Star Students had an awesome week!

We had some great Star Students in Kindergarten today!

Flu shot form were sent home this week. If you would like for your child to receive a shot, please return the forms by Monday, November 9th. The Flu Clinic will be held on Tuesday, November 17th.

It's a beautiful day at Beebe EC! Don't forget about early dismissal tomorrow @ 2:00 and parent-teacher conferences!