over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Ms. Carranco's class has been busy making Mother's day cards.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
The My Child/My Student Newsletter for May is out. Click here for your copy. http://bit.ly/1VIU39i
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week, to all of our teachers and staff! THANK-YOU for all that you do for our students and our school!
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
If you have a child that will be in Kindergarten next school that is not registered, please do so as soon at possible. You will need the following items to be registered: birth certificate, social security card, shot record and physical form. Thank-you!
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
The FIRST GRADE field trip that was cancelled Wednesday, has been rescheduled. The date is Wednesday, May 5th. This is for Mitchell, Kinman, Langley, Johnson and Fancyboy.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Thank-you, Jace Ruiz, Sarah Caradine & Lauren Jolly for representing Early Childhood in the Tree Rivers Young Writer's Contest, "What Does It Take to Be a Champion?". We are so proud of you & your incredible talent!
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Throwback Thursday! Ana and Holden, from Ms. Olmstead's, class were best buddies at the K Music Program.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Our WDD with his birthday girl, Edi. Thank-you, Mr. HInds, for being a great Watch D.O.G. Dad at our school!
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
This is what goes on behind the curtain before a Kindergarten Music Program! Ms. Stinnett's Class did an awesome job!
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Happy Administrative Assistants' Day to two of the best! Thank-you, Ms. Becky and Ms. Krystal for all that you do at Beebe Early Childhood!
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Ms. Simpson prepares her students for the program.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Red and Blue Pod delivered an awesome performance at well. Thank-you, students and Ms. Wisdom for all of your hard work!
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Kindergarten Yellow and Green Pod did a great job singing at the Music Program. Ms. Wisdom was wonderful leading our Kindergartners and getting the program together.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Reminder: Kindergarten Cap and Gown pictures will be tomorrow, Wednesday, April 27th.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
Due to the risk of severe weather, the 1st Grade field trip for tomorrow has been cancelled. We will notify you as soon as we know the new date.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood
First Grade field trip today for Marshall, Raney, Hart, Vance, Carranco and Zeigler.
over 8 years ago, Beebe Early Childhood